Yesterday turned out to be a fairly lazy day. I got some things done, but at a very slow pace in between a lot of slacking off.
Finished our seating chart for the wedding, and it looks pretty damn professional if I do say so myself. Which, is admittedly pretty unnecessary considering it's for me. It's not like I'm making it for a client, but hey, it's pretty! We have roughly 95 guests coming to our wedding, roughly twenty of them being children.
It's a bit higher of a count than I expected, and it doesn't seem like that many people looking at the list. It is though; I double counted.
Got a letter in the mail from Geisinger today that they're cancelling my insurance as of 9/30 for non-payment, and to call by 10/31 to avoid cancellation.
Well, I just got it on 10/31, which is a Saturday, that they're closed on. And my insurance is most definitely paid. I called the beginning of October to pay. I should have known there would be a problem because it was a trainee that processed my payment, harlot. I paid two months at once so I should be set until the end of November, not cancelled. I even checked the bank statement to double check that the payment went through, it did.
I realize they probably really want to be rid of me because I'm quite expensive, but they're going to have to wait until January. Someone's getting an earful on Monday. It better not be a huge hassle to rectify this. I have an infusion on Tuesday that I really don't want to risk getting the twenty-some thousand dollar bill for in the mail.
Did a ton around the house. Filled my medicine case for the week, took out the mail, burned the scrap and took out the recycling, scooped the litter, did the dishes, straightened up.
Got a shower and tried out the coconut oil for the first time; I smell like coconut now. Not too sure how I feel about that.
I kind of want an Almond Joy.
Working on making dinner now. Removed the backbone from a whole chicken, rubbed it with seasoning and then pan seared it in olive oil, garlic, and onion. Chris minced the garlic for me. Put the chicken into a glass baking dish in the oven for two hours. Chris scrubbed and peeled some potatoes for me. I diced and boiled them to make some delicious mashed potatoes. Added salt, pepper, and some of the garlic he minced for me. They got really good. Waiting for the chicken to finish roasting in the oven, it looks and smells delicious. I'm debating what vegetable I want to make with it. Probably broccoli.
Cooking has turned into a hilarious critique of each other's seasoning, cooking, and knife skills. Along with mock Bobby Flay commentary. It's pretty funny. We've watched way too much Worst Cooks in America.
Sadly, we're out of episodes of it on Netflix to watch. I kind of want cable just so we can have sports and Food Network. When Chris is working again I want to look into getting a Roku. Anyone have it? I've heard good things.
Chris and I cook (and work) really well together. Probably better than my grandparents do. They always bicker when they do stuff together, and they've been married for almost 52 years. So, I think we'll be alright. Haha. It's hard to believe two weeks from now I'll be married and at our wedding reception! It's a big day, and a huge commitment. I already told Chris I won't give him a divorce, haha. Whatever happens we're working through it.
Chris is playing Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360. I wish they would make the 360 games compatible with Xbox One so I could sell the 360 console and get it out of the way. I heard they were potentially going to. Any gamers out there know anything about this?
Can't believe it's Halloween already. We didn't even carve our pumpkin yet! We'll hopefully get it done later. I don't think we're going to go to the King Frost parade. I heard there's not many divisions in it this year, and I'd rather not risk wandering around in the cold and getting sick for the wedding. We don't have money to blow anyways. It's sad to hear the parade is dwindling so bad. It was something I used to look forward to every year. Some of the floats used to be amazing; the detail and effort that were put into them.
It's become more of an excuse for Hamburg to throw parties and get drunk. Less and less people seem to have money to invest into making floats and for the parade entry fee. It's great advertising for your business though. While I'm not surprised at the dwindling residential entries, the dwindle in business entries does surprise me. I'm secretly (or not so secretly?) jealous of people that have the pin collections. They're cool
My cousin entered the parade with his car and some friends. I'm super jealous. We had planned on doing that with the car club when I had my G5, but smoosh. I hope he has fun. He said you're not allowed to toss candy anymore though, how incredibly lame.
So if you are going to the parade and you see that sexy beast of a car, you should have a 'Woo Girl' moment for me.
The chicken smells good. Which hopefully means it's soon done. Hopefully you will see a pumpkin carving blog from me later as well!
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