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Sunday, January 13, 2013


I saw this today:

At first, mind blown. It might as well have been written in Arabic. After staring at it for a bit though, it was like an epiphany and I got it.

Everyone learns differently. Some people are visual learners, some audible, some hands on. Some are a combination.

In our schools though, knowledge is handed out in a cookie cutter fashion. The same for everyone. This does not work for everyone, and a reason I feel some children fail in our education system. Not because they're dumb, but because they stop trying because it's not presented in a way they can learn.

I've never seen this before in my life, and it's genius. So why haven't I seen it? Because our teachers don't vary from how they're supposed to teach. There's more than one way to do things.

So, I challenge you to try this with a different multiplication problem, take a picture and share it. See if it works for you. If it works for you, it may help your child if he/she is struggling in math.


  1. lol that's great if you always happen to have pieces of paper to doodle on.. Did you try different numbers to see how it works? Calculators are so much easier and who doesn't have one though right?

  2. wait im trying this an not seeing how they come up with a 5 there

    1. I think this, and the new 'common core' methods of math are great for someone that's an autistic or visual learner and is struggling with the concept of math. Forcing students to perform math differently with the new common core standards though is ridiculous. Not everyone learns the same. I excel at math and common core blows my mind. I've been seeing some common core math problems floating around on Facebook and I have no idea how they even find the answers they do the way they do. My little cousins say they tell them in school all the time that they won't have a calculator in real life. Uh, hello, who doesn't have a piece of technology on them at all times nowadays, and everything has a freaking calculator on it almost! Crazy.
