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Friday, January 18, 2013

Overdue-like my bills.

What a ridiculous past few days it's been.

My check was messed up, so I've been flat broke.

I've been taking Daisy for walks around the back field, and doing the treadmill at therapy.

I won a gift basket from Outlooks-Berkshire. It's pretty sweet. I wanted to say perhaps my luck has turned around, but not so much.

Daisy has had weird bumps on her ears. I tried everything I could think of to help her at home for a week. Nothing helped. I had to take her to the vet this morning. This is her watching the birds, she later howled at a cat. The cat has never seen a dog before. I'm pretty sure it was mortified.

The vet thinks she may have an ear related dermatitis, genetic in dachshunds,  but he said he said he's never seen it in such an early stage so he's not sure. He said it was very proactive of me to bring her in.

$100 proactive.

So, I need to start her on antibiotics, if they make a difference, I have to get a months worth. $60 worth.

It can cause their entire ear to become scabby bumps, I don't want her to go through that, so whatever it takes. I also need to get some Vitamin E lotion and fish oil.

When we got home, I accidentally stepped on her paw. Now I feel like a dick. She seems fine, but I'm fawning over her like I accidentally murdered her first born.

My current paycheck was fucked up again. Toppled with the ridiculous vet bill and supplies. I'm broke. I could pay my health insurance thank God, but utilities are not happening. I'm not in a position to get behind. I don't have an income source to catch back up.

Daisy means the world to me though, and I don't want to see her uncomfortable.

I also just remembered, I need to take her to the groomer. I'm beyond broke.

Some days it's really hard to stay positive. My lawyer's going to file suit for both of my cases in about two weeks at least.

I signed up for Netflix's DVD service. I got a free month. So far I really like it. I got my first movies in a day. Talk about fast. Faster then your average mail service for sure. It's beyond simple to send back too. You don't even have to pay postage. They have a ton of selection, and you can get mostly anything in blu-ray.

If anyone's interested in trying it out I can hook you up with a free month.

I also have a 25% off coupon for Coach if anyone wants it.

So far from Netflix DVD I've watched Ted it's a pretty awesome movie, I suggest it if you haven't seen it. If you have, well...

I also watched the Polar Express. It was...odd compared to what I was expecting. I don't know, I didn't really care for it.

Last and maybe least, I watched Seeking a Friend for the End of the World. That movie, I just, don't know. Maybe I was half asleep or something. The whole first half was just...pointless plot filler if you ask me. And the title, I really didn't see where it tied into the movie. I don't suggest putting it on top of your to do list.

**Spoiler Alert: There is no happy ending. **

I got on the floor for the first time. It sucked far more than anticipated, which is a lot.

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