I have a real respect for the Anonymous movement.
A group of people taking vigilante justice for the greater good, under a veil of anonymity or alias.
There's a fine line between helpful and hurtful vigilante justice.
I was part of what some called a vigilante movement in its' time.
With any movement comes its' groupies. People who want it just for the fame, or the glory. Or people who just have a need to be a part of something bigger or meaningful. People who will try almost anything to fulfill that need.
You also get people who take that movement to simply do some pretty dick things in its' name.
This is one of the many "Anonymous" facebook pages with who knows how many admins. One of the posts made today was how to "join" Anonymous.
****Warning, do not do this.****
Those instructions, will delete what makes your computer run.
Sadly, I can only imagine how many people, what some would deem "sheep", followed these instructions and are now facing extensive bills to get their computers back up and running.
Some probably teenagers, some people looking to join for selfish reasons, and some people just looking to want to do some good.
What are we coming to?
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