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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pregnancy Tests

When you have a freshly broken hip I don't care who you are or how bad you want it, you're not having sex.

It's fucking impossible.

In the span of the past few months I've taken enough pregnancy tests to probably supply a local planned parenthood for a day.

I'm constantly getting X-rays, bone scans, cat scans and other nonsense done.

Every single time they insist I do a pregnancy test first.

The one day a relative was with me at an appointment and a nurse was talking in the corridor about someone going on about immaculate conception, and my relative knew they were talking about me.

It's absolutely infuriating. First of all, it's my body. If I say I'm not pregnant and I don't want a pregnancy test that should be the end of it. If I am and I was wrong, that's my responsibility. But come on, seriously I have a broken hip.

Some of you are thinking what's the big deal? Well for one they usually do a blood test and I hate needles, and it's a waste of money.

I've tried to flat out refuse already and they flat out refused to continue with my appointment. It's ridiculous.

Any thoughts?


  1. It's CYA on the medical side of things. They need documentation/verification of some sort that you aren't putting a fetus in harm's way. That way, if you were, you can't sue them for birth defects or what have you.

    Next time, just tell them that your vibrator can't knock you up.

  2. I've never actually had to do a pregnancy test before an x-ray, etc. They just ask for the first day of your last period and if you're sexually active.
    Maybe you should just tell them straight up I'M NOT SEXUALLY ACTIVE. DAMMIT.

  3. This is all part of why health care costs are outrageous. Doing totally ridiculous tests just makes me more sure those in the system will never fix. it.

  4. I would tell them to go ahead but I am not paying any portion of the bill for it.

    1. It's frustrating because I have PCOS and don't get my period regularly, especially now that I'm not allowed to take even low-dose birth control. So I learned to just lie about when my last period was to avoid this whole disaster. If there is any question in my mind about pregnancy possibility I do a cheap at home test before an appointment.
