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Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Today was a pretty accomplished day for me.

I drove for the first time by myself since my car accident. It was one massive panic attack waiting to happen. My insecurity kept screaming "PULL OVER!", but I just drowned it out the best I could with the radio.

It went pretty well. At least better than expected. There was no crying this time anyways. It'll take some time.

I had therapy two days in a row and I'm currently paying for it. I feel like death in Hell. Hot fire, whippings, knives and all.

In simpler words, I don't plan on doing a single thing tomorrow. 

Although if the weather is nice I would like to take Daisy for a long walk. For me, a long walk is 30 minutes. Daisy is all over me because she knows I feel like poop.

I had a pretty day today, and decided I really do like my haircut.

I screwed around with the settings on here so it should be much easier to leave comments, it's set that I have to approve them though. Keep things spam free.

I'm trying to decide if I perhaps have the flu. It's apparently an epidemic where I get my physical therapy. I've been the only person getting therapy in the main room for days because of it. I have a fever, and I've been sleeping like crazy. My narcotics seem to mask nearly everything apparently, but I have been extra sore. I've been debating the possibility, but I guess since I can't really tell it doesn't much matter.

I'm leaving you with this video to watch. It's heartbreaking that people are so concerned with profit they can sleep at night knowing how many family members (pets) are dying. So if you have a pet, please make informed choices about what you're feeding them.

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