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Monday, January 7, 2013


It's crazy how our actions influence the world around us, sometimes much more then we realize. I'm a huge believer in the butterfly effect. One small thing can influence a large event.

My car accident in example, hadn't I been there at that exact time and moment it never would have happened. Multiple tiny events led up to that one large moment.

Sometimes our influence is much more subtle then we realize. A few months back when I was in the nursing home I received the Origami Owl necklace I ordered. It is so pretty, and I suggest looking them up. A new physical therapist started working there and loved my necklace. I forgot all about it.

I go back to the same place for therapy now as an outpatient. The other day she excitedly told me that her Mom got her an Origami Owl necklace for Christmas because she loved mine so much, and proudly showed it to me.

Influence. Tiny, subtle, sometimes unrecognizable.

Hadn't I been in the car accident, that never would have happened. Same with all the tiny events that lead to her working there at that time.

This is a small example, but in life this happens constantly on a much larger scheme. It's a powerful thing.

Butterfly effect.

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