I got my first weekly progress report from FitBit. Not bad, if I do say so myself. I've been working really hard on shedding the weight and getting my strength back. Ultimately, I'd like to be strong enough to do Christmas in NYC again. I haven't done it since before my accident, and it's one of my favorite things to do. It's all walking though.
I've noticed a huge improvement in my walking just this week. I don't walk very fast yet, I'm still focusing on technique. I tend to 'plop' my right foot more than doing heel to toe because of my hip fracture and subsequent bolts. So, I've been working on correcting that. My old physical therapist would be proud. The faster I walk, the more balance issues I get from my brain damage. I've had some half-falls and trips. But I've noticed I'm getting more confident at walking at a brisker pace, but I still try to be careful.
It's a good work-out for my lungs too. As most of you know, this time last year I almost died. I had hundreds of blood clots in my lungs, and in result half of my lower lobes stroked out. My lower lobes of my lungs are still collapsed. But, they're puffing and pinking back up with time. Controlled cardio is great for helping the process along. I don't get winded anymore doing laps around the house.
I wish it showed resting pulse on this report, but my resting pulse has dropped significantly too. That's awesome-sauce for me. My dysautonomia makes my ticker run over 160bpm unmedicated, and it still likes to creep up over 100 despite medication. Lately my resting pulse has climbed down into the lower 70's. This makes me happy.
I've been doing a really good job burning the calories I take in, and then some. I lost five more pounds!
Sleep has been ridiculous as usual, but actually the past few days I've been getting more than usual. It bumped my weekly average up from 1.5 to almost 4, because I've been getting at least six a night the past few nights. Lack of sleep is really hard on your body.
And yeah, that little number off to the side, 17 times waking up a night on average, is ridiculous. Although an improvement from my sleep study results.
Overall, I really enjoy this little gadget. It's motivational, and helps me keep better track of just how much I'm accomplishing/burning in a day. I love how seamlessly well it links with MyFitnessPal.
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