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Monday, December 28, 2015

Bubba Wubba Wha?

Today has been very busy already, but very productive. I got up when Chris got up for work and started on things around the house. Straightening up, dishes, cat litter, garbage & recycling, freezing some extra holiday treats, etc. I've been running around most of the morning doing something. Finally took a break and sat down, and I find myself tinkering with my tablet now instead.

Downloaded Picasa on most of my devices and I'm figuring out Google Photos. It's pretty handy. It let's me easily upload images from any of my devices and share them between devices effortlessly, and it makes it really simple to upload them to my blog. Which in turn makes it easier to share with you guys.

Chris just came home from work about ...seven hours early.

I was all who's in our house? And he walks into the room looking like death warmed over. Apparently he threw up everywhere at work and got sent home. From one sympathetic puker to a potential-nother, I'll spare you the details. He needs a doctors note now to go back to work since he's in food service. He doesn't have health insurance yet so we'll be making a trip to the hospital later.

Having to use the hospital like a PCP is one of the many things wrong with our broken healthcare system.

I'm surrounded by sick people.


Seriously though, my immune system gets regularly nuked, and is about to get nuked some more tomorrow. Everyone around me is acutely sick with a petri dish of crap. This does not bode well for me.

My Uncle Keith gave me a DVD of our wedding ceremony when we were at their house on Friday. I have plans to upload it to YouTube so that I can share it with those of you who would have liked to been there but were too far away.

I have to go see my regular rheumatologist today for a follow up, and then I suppose it's off to the hospital with Chris. Later I'm going to make a homemade chicken noodle soup. I can always go for a good hearty soup, and it's good for what ails you apparently.

Last night, it was hilarious, I snatched Chris' pack of cigarrettes away from him and I was holding them behind my head. Suddenly I got a spasm in my hand (yay MS!) and dropped them behind the couch. Hahahahah. I laughed so hard for about twenty minutes. Chris was far less amused, but it was funny. I guess you had to be there.

Our family likes to have fun.

In example, these hilarious pictures from Christmas 2014:

And this hilarious picture of my grandmother from Sunday:

Playing phone tag currently trying to get ahold of my dysautonomia medication. My pharmacy put in a new prescription request to my doctor last Wednesday because I ran out of refills and never got a response, and I am out of meds. Fun.

It's not like it has warnings all over it not to suddenly stop taking it or anything. *cough*

Anywho, time to get ready to get out of here!


  1. In 2016 we'll have to get another game to take pictures with, like the Googly Eyes glasses. I'll see if i can find that video with the "Boom Boom Balloon" in it. That would be funny to blog about.

  2. Hahahah, the game I love to hate! I need that video of Chris in teh heels tooooo!
