❤ Weight Loss Progress ❤


Thursday, January 14, 2016


Today, has been a terrible terrible day. It all started out with getting our mail. All we got in the mail today was a single piece of mail, from the PA Department of Health. So I was all 'Heyyy derpenstein this looks important!' And Chris was all 'garbleaksgjwoiegaslkbna' because he was still in bed, but he said I could open it. So I open it and see this:

And I'm all, uhm shit babe, this looks serious. I think we have the plague. So Chris is all 'uhm, wtf' and calls them. Turns out, he was in the hospital a few weeks ago for campylobactor, treated, released, and sent back into the wild. Whatever strain he wound up having that grew in the lab is a not so nice strain, and had to get reported to the department of health. He's still been having diarrhea but we assumed it was from the antibiotic as it said it could cause that for over two months after treatment. The Department of Health is worried he still may have the bacteria, and they're worried I may have it too. They were asking us eight thousand questions about our food and water supply, and since we have a well they're concerned it may be tainted.

Since it's primarily spread through food and water, and Chris works in foodservice, he's not allowed to go back to work until the Department of Health clears him. He seriously has a work note from the fucking government. He wants to get it framed, and I almost hate to disagree, it's pretty badass.

On the flip side of this, Chris isn't allowed to go to work. We're already pinching pennies so as it is.

We both had to go to the doctor tonight and get checked out. They're concerned it could be antibiotic resistant. They suggested eating lots and lots of yogurt, which interestingly enough we have been. Weird. We both have to give stool samples to the lab. While we were there I talked to my PCP about my MS symptoms being so bad, and the pain I've been having in my right thigh for the past few days. It feels like I have a third degree burn on the outside of my thigh. I assured her I do not. She thinks I have a new lesion, and upped my steroids by a lot. I'm going to want to eat all of the things, and we do not have much things left to eat. Did I mention Chris isn't allowed to go to work?

Chris was on the phone with the Department of Health and his job for hours trying to get this mess all sorted out, in between I was on the phone dealing with doctors and an insurance nightmare. It's a new year, new policy, and new prescription benefits. My prescription plan for this year is crazy, and I have to convert all of my scripts over to a three month supply. This requires calling a billion doctors. My assistance with my Tysabri infusions has to get updated for the new year, and because of Chris' job I'm not sure if we're going to wind up being responsible for any of the copay or not. Since my infusion isn't until the end of January, and my out of pocket max for prescriptions is almost $7k this year, I haven't met it yet. My specialty meds need to be ordered. Speciality meds have a 50% copay with this plan, they want almost $500 to schedule a delivery for two of them for me. Oh, did I mention Chris can't go to work?

I have no idea where we go from here. If this was Breaking Bad, it would be time to start cooking the meth.

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