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Wednesday, January 27, 2016


The past few days have been crazy, and I've been slacking on writing a blog. Friday night started Blizzard 2016, otherwise known as Snowmageddon.

Chris and Daisy kept an eye on the progress outside Friday night.

Tux experienced his first snow, and snow ball. He was not amused. He wanted to murder it.

Daisy and him kept an eye on the snow from our TV room window.

Things started to pile up quickly. We wandered out around 3am to shovel for the first time so it wouldn't be quite so heavy in the morning.

The real fun was Saturday night. The snow was so high by that point. It didn't stop snowing until about midnight, but we went out around 8pm with my grandparents to get started on digging out.


I helped with some of the lighter stuff, and took some pictures of the damage in between. I snuck in a few 'artistic' shots too.

Tuxington was creeping on us out various windows the entire time. Daisy stayed in bed. She was uninterested.

Chris eventually couldn't resist the urge to jump into one of the snow piles.

Once we had the worst of it shoveled my Pop tried to snow blow some of it to clean up the edges a bit, but he soon gave up.

Sunday we started all over, digging out some more areas of the house, cleaning off the roofs, and shoveling open everything that drifted back shut again.

There was a good almost three feet on the roof, which made a mess all over the porch again that had to get reshoveled. It was much heavier by that point too.

This guy was starting to sound like a genius by that point:

We didn't do too bad of a job, but the melting and refreezing process was making an icy slushy mess out of things.

 Daisy and Tux are quite content being inside, warm, and sleeping. Daisy wasn't the least bit interested in playing in the snow.

Chris shoveled out a big double-wide spot in the yard for her to go pee. She walked down the steps, looked around, and squatted on the sidewalk. She hates snow. He tossed her into a snow drift to try to convince her to burrow around in it, but she was not amused. At all.

Over all cleanup wasn't too terrible all considering. It was the first year we had someone living in the building that helped with snow removal. Plus I now have a big strong husband to help. My grandparents are getting way too old to be doing snow removal. My doctor yelled at me just for the little bit I did help with.

They're talking maybe another significant storm this weekend, but it looks like it's going to go out to sea.

How has the snow been where you live? This was our first snow of the year, and also the snowiest day on record for our area!

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