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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I'm Back!

Finally back to blog-land. I've been a busy girl. We've been redecorating our apartment thanks to some starter surprise help from our family while we were on our honeymoon. They painted our bedroom 'bridal flower' (light lavender) for us. It was a major project on my 'to do' list, so it was a nice surprise. Our wedding ceremony was fantastic! I'll share some details and pics as time goes on, so stay tuned!

Chris starts his new job today which we've both been eagerly awaiting. He's been unemployed since my near-death/blood clot experience. The time with him has been a valuable gift, but finances have become uncomfortable. Weddings aren't cheap and what not. And my disability claim is a hope, a prayer, and light years away from being approved yet. Bah. Blows my mind that it's so difficult considering MS is on the governments list of qualifying disabilities. A little less than ten hours still until Chris is back home and I've already finished all my basic chores for the day except taking the recycling out when it's light. Good thing I have a long project list and Netflix queue. 

I've yelled "Tuxington!!!!" about twelve times today already, starting with when I went out to set the GPS in the car for Chris. He's not good with the GPS and he has to go over an hour away to a different store to get hired in. Thank goodness he doesn't have to work at that one daily. Anyways, I went to put my shoe on and he put a PIN in my shoe from my jewelry case. He has this obsession with putting sparkly shit in my shoes. Ow. He's like a spoiled toddler when Daddy's not home. You know what they say.."when the cat's away..." wait...that's not right. You get the drift though.

I slept for shit last night. My brain doesn't adjust well to scheduled sleeping. It's more of a 'let's stay up until we pass out' fan. Now that I'm back on Tysabri I at least can sleep again, but depending I still don't sleep all that well. I've debated going back to bed for awhile, but I'm worried that will just set me up for failure when it comes time to sleep with Chris again later.

So, instead here I am! Debating what is next. I'd love to brew a coffee to up my current motivation level, but much to my dismay my Keurig took a crap. I monkeyed around with it for a bit, but considering I've had the thing for about five or six years I'm pretty sure it surrendered. Apparently Bed Bath & Beyond gives you credit on a trade in of your old/broken one towards a new one. Valuable information that was. So I think I'll box it up until the time comes we can afford a new one and keep an eye out for coupons. I have some powdered cappuccino nonsense in my cabinet I may boil some milk for and try. Desperate times and what not.

The growing readership of this blog is pretty exciting. It's cool to see my Adsense income jump from pennies to dollars. Being able to contribute to the home in even a small way is nice. Especially by doing something I enjoy.

I believe I shall finish tackling my kitchen organization today. I started it with Chris the other day. Pulled a ton of things out for yard sale. I mean, it's just the two of us and we easily had fifty cups. Granted they were varying types of cups, but still excessive. I have this new found giant collection of tupperware I needed to find a home for as well. My upper cabinets are impeccably organized now, but I still need to do my lower cabinets and pantry. That'll kill some serious time. The upper cabinets were pretty much an all day project, and that was with help.

I trimmed Daisy's toenails the other night, and surprisingly enough Tux let me trim his last night. He's a good cat. I used to be convinced they were murderous beasts, but he's definitely changed my opinion. He's still a bastard though. Time to take on the day!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Radio Silence

Things have become busy busy with the wedding. I've been too busy and tired to sit down and share the excitement with all of you, but I will have plenty to share in a week or so! Stay tuned!


Monday, November 9, 2015

Five Days!

Today was crazy and zipped by so quick.

I got up and worked on chores. Got a bunch of pictures uploaded to our account on the WedPics app. Chris went out with his brother Clyde to see his new house.

Janelle and Clyde came back with Chris afterwards and hung out at our house for awhile and chatted. They're going to take part in the hand fasting ceremony at our wedding so we were explaining that to them and catching up since it's been awhile. Chris also asked Clyde to be one of his groomsmen. He wanted to ask him months ago but they lost contact for awhile. It's a bit last minute to work out, but at least the groomsmen don't need to know anything too complicated for at the wedding.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally!

Today's the anniversary of the release date of Disney's Robin Hood. This is my favorite movie. Has been since I was a kid. I watched the VHS so much as a child I burned through it making parts of the tape unwatchable.

It seemed appropriate to give it a watch today. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it's on Netflix.

B's Sip & Paint

The girls threw me a bachelorette party at B's Sip & Paint.

It's this cool business in Hamburg where you can take an art (painting) class with your friends and have snacks, wine, and what not. It's a good time.

Boy did we ever have a blast!

My grandmother drove me, so of course we were late. But I have to make Kelly panic at some point. I got to meet Chris' groomswoman Nikki finally!

Find Your Center!

After we all ate it was time to get down to business.

I'm pretty sure the absolute hardest part for us is making sure we're centered. When you're right on top of the area, finding the perfect centered spot is much more ambiguous.

Being properly centered makes for some prettyyyy cute pictures though.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Rehearsal Dinner

Today was a super exciting day. We had our wedding rehearsal, which made everything feel really real. We did things a little unconventionally and had our rehearsal the week before the wedding, and boy am I glad we did from the viewpoint of someone who's chronically ill and only has so many spoons in a day. I'm trying my best to enjoy all aspects of our wedding and planning, so I try to plan things according to my energy level. Traditionally the rehearsal and decorating is done the night before the wedding, but I knew both in one night would be too much for me, and it really would have been. Seriously, take my advice and split it up if you can.

It's a decent drive from our house, but I like car rides with Chris. We generally wind up in some type of interesting conversation. Today was about us, and our relationship. I went on about how I partly think we're so successful together because we love each other for who we truly are. We don't try to limit or change one another. Chris announced that he knew we were going to get married before we even started dating, which I think was absolutely sweet/romantic/whatnot.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

This is a Stick Up!

Had my final dress fitting today. It's really pretty. I'm hoping Chris likes it.

His Mom came by and dropped off the centerpieces. They're gorgeous!

We ran some errands. Grabbed some clearance Halloween mini-Tootsie Roll pops. Stopped at GameStop to pay off Chris' strategy guide for Fallout 4. Stopped at the liquor store to pick up a bottle of rum for on our honeymoon. Neither of us really drink anymore. I have to be careful because of my liver with all of the medication I'm on. Chris has drank two glasses of wine in over the year we've been together.

When we got home I took a nap for a few hours because I was really tired for some reason.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Engagement Shoot!

We got our engagement photos and they're gorgeous!

Only ten more days!

+Tania Colamarino from Ama Photography took our pictures, and I could not be more pleased.


Someone thinks they're clever and put a chick peas cartoon on our fridge. (Why does fridge have a 'd', but refrigerator does not?) This is a testament to my observation skills (lack thereof). I have no idea how long this has been here, hah! But now I want more chick peas. If you missed my blog on chick peas you can read about them here.

Got my Thanksgiving decorating done, almost!

Corpse Bridezilla

Today has been much more eventful already than I expected it to be. My hair has gotten really thin from chemotherapy and my other medications. What isn't falling out, some of it is breaking. My side pony tail isn't as long as I'd like it to be for the wedding, and this is my princess fairy tale day after all.

So, I decided to do something I never saw myself as being girly/diva enough to do. Get hair extensions. It'll make my hair extra pretty for the wedding, and whenever else I feel like being a princess.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Happy Sammich Day!

Today was as busy as expected, if not busier. Started off the day being sabotaged by the stupid time change. Forgot to change the time on our alarm clock, so we got up an hour too early for my infusion. Considering how late we went to bed, I tried to go back to sleep for an hour but was not successful.

Started undecorating from Halloween. Ran up to Hamburg and stopped at Dietrich's Men's Shop. We lost our ring bearer very last minute, and we had paid for his tuxedo rental. Thankfully it wasn't so last minute that we couldn't cancel the rental and get our money back. A day later and we would have been screwed and I would have been mad. I really enjoy Dietrich's. The owner is very nice and helpful. The shop is well kept, well stocked, and reasonable. If you're looking for something nice for the man in your life it's a good place to look. They carry lots of interesting things on top of nice clothing.

No matter how well prepared and organized you want to be as a bride, chaos will ensue as your wedding gets closer.

Monday, November 2, 2015


Busy busy day. I got my entire list of phone calls done already thankfully. I have some chores to do yet, but I'm pretty proud of how focused and efficient I was this morning.

Called my insurance company and the girl was all 'Ohh I don't know whyyy they sent you that. Just disregard it!' And I was all yeah, disregard it until they cancel my policy and my shit's fucked up all month. And she's all 'Ohh but they shouldn't your policy is paid for. I don't understand what the problem is.' And I'm all just because they shouldn't doesn't mean they're not going toooo. And she's all 'Noo, it must have crossed in the mail. Oh wait, you paid early, hmm, I don't know. It will be fine.' And I was all ........

Twenty bucks says my policy gets cancelled anyways now, and I'm going to be pissed.

Scheduled and rescheduled a bunch of appointments. Cancelled our Sands reservation because of finances.

I'm most definitely getting sick. I'm rocking a wicked earache and some stuffiness today. Started antibiotics yesterday because I've been rocking a fever off and on so I knew it was coming. Luckily I have some time yet before the wedding to kick it. I hate fevers because I get cold, and then I bury myself in warm things and suddenly the fever relaxes and my MS is ready to have a melt down between the fever and the eight thousand layers of heat I've buried myself in. It's good times.

Not sure what I'm cooking today. Most likely leftovers for lunch. Dull day, but considering all the hectic days ahead some quiet time isn't a bad thing.

Deer, Dear!

Ran out to the store with Chris so he could get cigarettes. I'm sitting in the car wiggling my toes around trying to figure out what feels strange. Tux deposited a Q-tip into my shoe. He's learned where the Q-tips are kept and how to get them out. They're one of his favorite things to play with for some ridiculous reason. For some equally ridiculous reason he enjoys putting things in my shoes.

We're on the way home and there's no streetlights on our road. Our car's headlights lack much to be desired. I see the silhouette of a deer ahead and proclaim 'Deer!', which is interpreted as 'Dear!', but thankfully he saw the cause of my proclamation and we were able to slow down in time for it to safely pass. With the quickly cooling weather and the hunters they've really been on the move. A few crossed our path about a week ago as well. Be careful out there driving and be mindful of them!

We're still wide awake, and it's become clear that I've totally screwed up my sleep schedule. Which really isn't going to work out for me today because all of the things I need to do require banker's hours, and they all need to get done.

In other news, Food Network is going to make me fat(ter). Holy cravings batman.

I have no idea what I'm doing about sleep, or anything much for that matter right now. I'll be in my blanket fort pondering food if you need me.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

It Feels Like Midnight

Well, we never did get our pumpkin carved yesterday. Sometimes that's just how it goes. It will live to see another holiday and hang out for Thanksgiving now. Tomorrow I'll probably start taking the Halloween decorations down.

Our chicken got really good yesterday. It was probably the best chicken I've ever made, and I've cooked quite a few chickens in my lifetime.

We slept in super late today. I actually got the handfasting ceremony done for the wedding though. So that's a plus.

Chris was a prince and made dinner. Hot dogs with chili and mac & cheese. He's now lost in Fallout 3. He's gearing up for Fallout 4 to come out apparently.

Everything feels so weird today between how late we slept in and the time change. By the time we woke up it was pretty much getting dark again.