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Sunday, November 1, 2015

It Feels Like Midnight

Well, we never did get our pumpkin carved yesterday. Sometimes that's just how it goes. It will live to see another holiday and hang out for Thanksgiving now. Tomorrow I'll probably start taking the Halloween decorations down.

Our chicken got really good yesterday. It was probably the best chicken I've ever made, and I've cooked quite a few chickens in my lifetime.

We slept in super late today. I actually got the handfasting ceremony done for the wedding though. So that's a plus.

Chris was a prince and made dinner. Hot dogs with chili and mac & cheese. He's now lost in Fallout 3. He's gearing up for Fallout 4 to come out apparently.

Everything feels so weird today between how late we slept in and the time change. By the time we woke up it was pretty much getting dark again.

Tomorrow I have a ton of phone calls to take care of, starting with my insurance company.

Tuesday is going to be a busy day starting with a much needed Tysabri infusion (I just ran into our bathtub, derp). After that we have to meet my Mom at the salon; I have an appointment for a trim and a facial. Chris has been super patient about salon appointments and what not considering he has to drive me and sit through them.

I can't believe Friday is the Rehearsal Dinner already!

Chris still needs to write his vows.

I do not envy girls at all that save their virginity for their wedding night. That has to add layers upon layers of jitters and anxiety to wedding planning.

I mean really think about how nervous you were before you lost your virginity about sex, and think about all that compounded on top of wedding planning? No thanks. I saw some women are actually presenting their fathers with chastity certificates signed by a medical practitioner on their wedding day stating that their hymen is still intact. That's insane. I mean you can have your hymen broken from things other than sex, and what century are we in now? I think when women get married they should understand their sexuality by that point and have some type of reference. Rather than potentially marrying someone you may be extremely dissatisfied with and unhappy. I personally feel like the heavy stigma that used to be placed on premarital relations is partly responsible for the infidelity and divorce rate of that generation. I'll get off my soap box though.

I'm actually pretty chill with everything all considering. Especially now that I got the handfasting ceremony written. Yay for being organized! I'm sure it would be more stressful if I actually had anything but wedding planning to do, or didn't have as much help as I do. Not the case though! I'm lucky.

The cat will not let me smother him with my love and obnoxious made up songs today. It makes me sad.

I made over THIRTY cents from my advertisers on my blog yesterday. How completely bad ass is that? (Clicking ads while you're here helps me make more monies$$) I can't wait to see what I make when I get things set up more complete and a really solid readership going. It's exciting to think I could possibly still contribute to the household's income doing something I enjoy despite my disability.

Time to go wash the mountain of dishes awaiting me in the kitchen before it grows any larger!

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