What a day! I should have taken Ambien last night again. I didn't sleep for shit. I was up most of the night. I gave up earlier than usual and got up and got started on my chores for the day awhile. Around 9am I ran out with my grandmother to the post office and the pharmacy.

When I got home I cut up and sorted the new coupons, and went through and tossed some expired ones I had in my bag.

I called around and made some appointments and things. Had to call the allergist. That appointment is next Monday already. I have to stop all of my allergy medication until then. That's going to be fun, and I'm going to get another huge packet in the mail to fill out. Whee. Those packets never become less irritating, no matter how many you fill out. I have an Excel sheet for the brunt of it and I just write 'See attached'. Fuck all that noise.
I charged my FitBit for awhile while I worked on all of that, and then it was time for the fun! I download the app on my devices, created an account, and set my goals. I've been fascinated with it all day. I'm sure the allure will wear off after a few weeks, but its' awesome functionality will not. It even vibrates as an awesome and effective alarm! My doctor's very interested in seeing the graphs of my sleep and heart. I have a very sad and pathetic step count considering I got it on after the brunt of my work for the day was done. Even so considering I don't have a job, and I'm broken it probably won't be nearly as impressive as my friends. I'm going to have a hell of a time earning badges probably! But, it'll help motivate me to do better, and help me track my progress. So far it's very mystified about my heart rate. It's been running high lately despite my dysautonomia medication, so the FitBit is having a hard time discerning when I'm resting. I know you can customize the levels some how, but I'm not that advanced at it yet. I don't want to monkey it up. Plus, I'm hoping my heart will soon chill again. Since my IM steroid injection yesterday my joints and shit feel a bit better. I need to get my glasses adjusted again. They keep falling off from all the weight I lost in my face. It's super annoying.
My grandparents dropped me off for my ultrasounds. I couldn't eat or drink all morning, not even water. The one lump was in my abdomen and they didn't want any obstruction. The no drinking part totally sucked. I was starting to get hoarse towards the end. The tech couldn't really tell well enough with ultrasound what the lumps are, so an MRI is most likely in my future. Fun. My poor insurance company. My grandparents had to leave right away because my Pop had a CAT scan scheduled at the hospital, so Chris picked me up from there on his break. We went home and ate lunch. He wasn't really feeling the greatest today so I played doctor and got him some meds together. I wish he'd quit smoking. He's back to smoking cigarettes again.
He's back at work and I'm trying to decide what I want to do with the rest of my day. I may take a nap for a little while. I'm beat. I'm going to get dinner started before he gets home today so we don't eat quite so late tonight. He works all day tomorrow, and then he has two days off in a row which will be nice. I'd like to try to afford to do some gardening outside. Sunday you can go fishing anywhere in our state without a fishing license so we're considering fishing, but every where's probably going to be packed with people considering. I was hoping my one Uncle would have a picnic this weekend, but it turns out he is not so I'm brainstorming something to grill on Monday.
I've been keeping an eye out on yard sale sites for a chest freezer. If anyone knows someone selling one cheap send them my way. We don't have nearly enough space in our little freezer for food. I toss it in my grandparent's freezer, but it winds up mixed in with all of their stuff, and buried, and I always forget what I have to cook with. It's a problem. We're still looking for a VHS player too.
Anyways, time to get back to doing stuff!
Anyways, time to get back to doing stuff!
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