I was tinkering with my Google+ profile for a bit last night. I've never really dedicated much time to my Twitter or Google+. Facebook's always been good enough for me when it comes to social networking.
Google+ integrates seamlessly with my blog and other Google products and features that I take advantage of. So, I figured I really should make some use of it. It's really great for sharing my blog posts and categorizing them. I've spent some time off and on prettifying my Google+ profile and filling it out after all these years.
I decided to tinker with it a bit last night when something caught my eye.
94 thous... - excuse me?!
I'm not quite sure how that happened. I'm pretty sure that's not normal. Especially considering I don't really make that much use even of my profile. Especially considering like 18 people so far only have me in their circles.
So I've been pondering the possibilities of just how this happened exactly. I've either had a very enthralled and bored stalker over the years, or - I don't know. I'm guessing it's probably a result of my time with Perverted Justice. This email, and alias was actually a result of my work with them.
I made quite a few friends and rabid enemies during my time as a vigilante. And trust me, the rabid enemies are the type of enemies you'd want to have. I'm guessing the views were a result of curiosity related to my vigilante fame because other than that I got nothin'.
They sure didn't have much to look at for awhile. They should all come back and read my blog, and click some ads! I'm more interesting now.
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