I saw this this morning and I can totally relate to it:
Chris says that's giving my grace too much credit, dick.
I've been stupid busy today. I made nine-billion phone calls and appointments. Other than a few places that I'm waiting on calling me back I think I got them all taken care of finally. They're even squeezing me in at the dermatologist on Thursday for injections. They didn't really have much before my original appointment on the 7th because of the holiday, and nothing before the 2nd. They know how bad my eczema is though and pitied me. Yay.

I'm waiting on five packages currently. I love getting packages. I love getting mail in general really. Once upon a time it was exciting to get an email. Now physical mail has become the rarer and exciting media. Packages are like a little mini-Christmas though.
My friend +Rebecca Noland has informed me she mailed me a package. I have no idea whatsoever what it is. The anticipation and excitement is killing me. I'm waiting on our HDMI switch to arrive, but that probably won't be here until June.
Anddddddd, +Lisa Michelcavage bought me a FitBit. I'm ridiculously excited about it. It's going to help track things for my doctors, recognize flares/infections better, and help my fitness and weight loss journey. I'll be doing more blogs about it when it arrives, but I can't wait! It says 3-7 business days, so I could potentially get it Friday already. If I don't, the holiday is going to muck it all up and make it take forever. I've been wanting one since this time last year. My Mom recently got one which has fueled a jealous fire in my belly. Now her and I can have health competitions! Bahahaha. I'm going to have like 100 steps a day probably. I need a job. (I wish) I need to go for walks. It'll be interesting to keep an eye on my sleeping patterns with it since my sleep cycle is so fucked up from my brain damage. It might really help me track my flares of my MS which will be interesting.

Back in February I ordered a charging cable for Chris and myself from Paracable. They run a hefty almost twenty bucks, but they boast being damn near indestructible, charge quicker than the average cord, and are a nice length. So we splurged. Chris' is still in great shape - the longest he's probably ever had one charging cord without breaking it. Mine on the other hand keeps falling out of my devices. It's annoying. I must have bent the tip or something some how. I emailed them about it to see how much a repair would cost. The damage was obviously my fault, but instead of giving me a quote they sent me a shipping invoice for a replacement. Totally free. I don't even have to send the fucked up one back. Talk about customer service. If you're looking for an Apple or Android charger you should really check them out. Best money on a charging device I ever spent.

I all types of fucked up filling my medicine case yesterday. I accidentally had two heart-pills in my night time meds for last night. (Hello accidental death) I put no steroids in my case at all. (Hello slow painful death) Note to self: Don't be on the phone while filling your meds for the week. I don't multi-task well.
I called earlier today to reschedule my check-up with my PCP because of her vacation, and wound up going in for an appointment today. Chris took me during his break. I've been dealing with some lumps in some various places. Some of them really painful. I wasn't sure if they were rheumatoid nodules or what. Apparently they seem to be tumors. I have to go for an ultrasound on Friday. After that depending on what they are I have to get a biopsy, and then eventually surgery for removal. Yayyy surgeryyyyy. (sarcasm)
Vitals were all good except my pulse. It was over 100; it's usually around 70 since I've been on my dysautonomia medication. I have to be careful with lumps and what not because all of my medicines greatly increase my risk of cancer. They're talking about a possibility that I might even have Dercum's disease. Just what I need, another diagnosis of another weird ass disease that causes chronic pain. It's supposedly one of the top ten most painful diseases in existence. Fun.
Tomorrow I have to go over to my rheumatologist's office and pick up a refill, and at least one of my packages should arrive. This one's just my Rasuvo injections though.
Anyways, as productive as I've been there's always more left to do so I leave you with this:
I lose track of just how many times in a day I have to stand our trash can back up between Daisy and Tuxington. I generally say 'Why do you have to be such a dick', though instead.
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