Yesterday was my husband's birthday!
Holidays are a big deal to me. I need very little reason to celebrate with those I love. And a celebration all about the man I love most? I mean c'mon.
Monday afternoon I spent getting some cards ready to mail and getting my husband's birthday card ready. I don't know how to just give a plain card. It's so impersonal.
So I broke out my sticker box and got to it. Chris thought the stickers I put in his birthday card were actually part of the card! Haha, I thought that was sweet. A card I was sending to a particular friend of mine is a long over due Christmas card. The post office has failed me twice now on this. It better not fail me again. I had trouble getting a card to another person too. Different states for each of them.
I still have a few more cards to make and send out, but I felt productive nonetheless.
I surprised him at work Monday night with a gift bag and a balloon. He had made a delivery earlier in the day to a local animal hospital that was treating a monkey at the time, and he was pretty excited about the monkey. So when I saw a monkey birthday balloon I couldn't resist.
I stuffed the gift bag with some of his favorite candies. Cordial cherries, chocolate covered raisins, and Butterfingers. I grabbed him a pack of cool looking lighters because he's always losing them and runs out. I got him a pack of combs because he lost his and has been using my brush for the past six months. The pack had purple and green combs, his favorite colors.
I also put in a really nice knife I bought for him. He was complaining the other day about not having a box cutter for putting deliveries away at work. I figured it would not only be useful, but show that I pay attention to his rants about how his day went. I didn't get a picture of the knife because it's been living in his pocket ever since. It's a flip-blade with a pretty wood-grain handle.
I had even more balloons waiting at home for him.
He brought home cheesesteaks for dinner which I was happy for. I hadn't eaten all day by that point and I was starving.
He also brought home cannolis that Rosa gave for his brithday. I love her cannolis. No one makes them as good as she does.
She makes really good tiramisu as well. I'm not really sure which I like better. I'm pretty happy with either one. Chris likes another dessert she makes that I think is called zeppoli (sp?) It's basically like Chinese donuts.
I was almost happy as this cat was about his birthday cake.
Tuesday when we got up the fun began! I did all the basic chores around the house before we left and got all dressed up. We started out the day going to a baseball game. We have a pretty good local team and a nice stadium. It makes for a fun day out. They kicked ass on Tuesday too!
We ran into a friend of Chris' that was working at one of the concession stands which was fun. We got a huge french fry and some hot dogs. As we were about to go back to our seats Chris spotted the most amazing thing ever, which made me spill my drink on him.
The Lehigh Valley Zoo was there with a fucking penguin. I was so excited. It was pretty random. She wasn't doing a presentation or anything really with him, and I don't think anyone really much noticed they were there. He was just kind of chilling there. Chris must have read my mind too. We were really close to the penguin and as I stood there and debated just how much trouble I'd get into for petting him, Chris told me no. He said it probably would have bit me, but I'm pretty sure I would have been okay with that. It may have been Chris' birthday, but for a moment it was my Christmas! I was way too excited and interested in attempting to kidnap him to bother taking a photo. Plus I was holding the foods, and I may or not have been trying to feed him a french fry. And by feed him I mean coax him closer. ('Seagulls eat french fries and they're fine!' - says my cousin Faith. Chris says its very obvious we're related. Probably because we're geniuses.)
There was a ton of school kids there for most of the game on field trips which made things a little crazy, but they were fun to watch during the game. We wandered around in a few of the shops and I was thrilled to find a penny machine. I have a drawer in my jewelry box filled with pressed pennies from aquariums, museums, and what not that I've gone too. We dug up enough change to get three out of the four pennies. I must get the fourth one next time. Which means I'll probably have to get all of them next time because I'll forget which I have.
It rained for most of the time we were there, but not heavy. At least it wasn't hot with the sun beating down on us. The players were having a bit of trouble losing their grip on the bats and balls because of it. Regardless they still played a good game! There was some really awesome plays. We had really great seats too. I think we're going to try to sit in that section every time now. It had a really great view of the game.
When the game was over we stopped home for a bit. Chris got more birthday cards and had presents waiting at home for him from our family. Plus he had a ton of messages and birthday greetings awaiting him online.
My Aunt got him a pair of Star Wars pants and a shirt. Both really cool, but I need to shorten the pants a bit.
Our next stop was Shady Maple Smorgasbord. It's about a 45 minute drive from home. It's basically a huge all-you-can-eat buffet. Depending on what meal you go for it runs about $20 a person, but it's well worth it. They have a ton of amazing food, drinks, and desserts. It's ridiculous.
Plus, they let you eat for free on your birthday! So we usually go on birthdays. Most times we go for breakfast, but he worked late and neither of us felt like getting up early. All-you-can-eat bacon is appealing though. They gave us a coupon book for a bunch of local shops, their gift shop, and the farmers market. Tuesday night was seafood night. Considering my new-found shrimp allergy, seafood night sucked for me. We took my Epi-pens with just in case. Being up on my steroids right now helps too. They had crab which I tried, but my mouth started burning and I started getting itchy so I stopped eating it. I'm guessing my shellfish allergy spans out to crab as well. Bah!
That was okay though. They had plenty of food for me to eat otherwise. I tore into the clams! Chris had about three plates of food before he tapped out sans dessert. After we ate I drug him down to the gift shop to look around. He loves the Cowboys for some insane reason and they're one of the only places around the carries a ton of Cowboys memorabilia. And they gave us a 20% off coupon. I knew he'd find something he'd like. Turned out they had really nice leather wallets, and his Misfits wallet needed to be retired badly. It may have been older than me. I just couldn't find one he was willing to put it out to pasture for. I was so excited that he picked one out.
Before we went home we stopped at Sheetz to top off the gas tank and then headed to GameStop. Chris browsed through the games and I mainly looked at the Pokemon stuffs. I really want a stuffed Oshawott, but they never have one. He picked up the Madden25 game which he's been playing some last night and most of the afternoon today.
Then when we finally got home he got cozy and played with his new stuff. Installed new video games. Put all his stuff in his new wallet. I took pictures of everything birthday related that I missed and collected things for scrapbooking. He wanted me to hang out with him while he started a game on Madden25, but I was exhausted. I laid down in bed and started bugging him on Facebook messenger. He told me he'd be in shortly, and I passed out. I was so tired.
He apparently came in and was asking me a bunch of obnoxious questions in my sleep. I was apparently a good sport about it, but I don't remember it. Alarm went off at 9:45a, he got up and got on his way to work. I got up and did my regular chores around the house, ate some cereal, started writing this blog, and fell the fuck back to sleep. I was so exhausted still. I woke up around 1:30p, pretty confused. Whenever I wake up from unintentional naps I'm like 'what's happening, where am I?'. I got back to doing some stuff around the house and before I knew it he was home from work already! Today was his only half day all week, and he brought home pizza, so I was happy. He got back to playing video games and I spent most of the afternoon fighting off naps, editing pictures, and writing this blog.
We went out a bit ago to the grocery store to grab a few things so I could make dinner. Corn on the cob is only 25 cents a cob at Redners right now, and we love corn so that was a win. While we were out at the store we ran into my one Naomi and her brother while she was walking her dog. Chris turned around and I got to talk to her for a bit. I haven't seen her in a long time, so that was exciting! I still have this monstrosity in the picture to the left waiting to be put away, but that's probably not happening until tomorrow. I have tons of projects to pick work back up on too. It seems I'm always busy with something! And now I have lots more scrapbooking to get caught up on! I guess it's better than being bored though! I always get more done when Chris is at work than I do while he's at home too. When he's at home I'm quicker to just hang out with him than work on projects around the house. Sometimes I'll scrapbook while he games though. He works all day the rest of the week though so I'll have plenty of time to be productive.
While we were out we rented a movie from Redbox to watch tonight, The 5th Wave. They didn't have the one in that I wanted to see. Hopefully this one doesn't suck. There was a few I was debating on, but I think Chris will like this one more than some of the others. Plus I try to pick ones that I don't think will be on Netflix anytime soon.
So yeah, that was Chris' birthday, our adventures, and what I've been up to the past few days. If you'd like to see all the pictures from his birthday this year feel free to check them out here!
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