Chris took me out last night to Sheetz so I could meet Kristen and get a sundae. I was super excited.

The frozen yogurt is really good. I was tempted to get the grape ape flavor, but it wouldn't have gone well with toppings, and I was in the mood for a crazy sundae rather than a simple one. I can't imagine having that thing available to me at half price on break time, especially if on steroids. It'd be a dangerous thing. Of course, I haven't checked out the nutritional facts on it yet, but I can't imagine it's healthy. I should have taken something with to take a picture of it, but it didn't last very long! Nom.

Physically I've been feeling better since the increase in steroids, and Chris has noticed it. He says I'm more talkative when I'm feeling better. I got super tired out of no where last night after dinner, and crashed on the bed without even saying a word. I remember him coming in at some point after I fell asleep and I pouted more about burning dinner. He cuddled me, and I fell back to sleep.
Today when we got up I got a ton done around the house while I had a burst of energy. All my basic chores, and I worked on my closet project a bit. For some reason I seem to get less done around the house when Chris is home. I think it's because I want to spend time with him, and he doesn't really do things around the house. I take care of it since he works. When he's not working though it can be a tad frustrating, especially if I'm not feeling well.
Tomorrow he gets paid, so it's going to be a busy day. Lots of errands and shopping to handle. Unfortunately not nearly enough money to handle it all. This pay check is going to be short from his last battle with campylocbactor, and now the next paycheck from this one. It seems we can't get ahead lately. I need to drop off samples at the lab and get blood drawn at two labs tomorrow. I need to fill my meds for the week, and make some phone calls to figure out what I'm going to do about affording my specialty meds. Hoping to hear from our PCP tomorrow about when Chris can get back to work. She was impressed that we're eating less processed foods, and that I felt I was doing better in result. We need to get so many groceries tomorrow.
Tuesday I have to go to Philadelphia for two different appointments at Jefferson. My second appointment with one of their rheumatologists, and my first with their head of neurology. I have a ton to get prepped for those appointments. I got to print out labs, gather my discs of MRIs, write down talking points so I don't forget. Those trips are never cheap. I'm guessing about a half tank of gas, tolls, over thirty bucks for parking, fifty for co-pays, lunch since we'll be there all day. Being sick isn't cheap.
It sounds like we're finally getting some snow on Friday, but they're talking lots of snow, about a foot! Something tells me I'll be shoveling.

Tuesday I have to go to Philadelphia for two different appointments at Jefferson. My second appointment with one of their rheumatologists, and my first with their head of neurology. I have a ton to get prepped for those appointments. I got to print out labs, gather my discs of MRIs, write down talking points so I don't forget. Those trips are never cheap. I'm guessing about a half tank of gas, tolls, over thirty bucks for parking, fifty for co-pays, lunch since we'll be there all day. Being sick isn't cheap.
It sounds like we're finally getting some snow on Friday, but they're talking lots of snow, about a foot! Something tells me I'll be shoveling.
I leave you with the post amusing me most on Facebook today:
Chef Crusoe: Bruschetta!
"One of my classic cooking episodes; bruschetta!" ;)~ Chef CrusoeP.S. This recipe and voice is by Mum's favorite chef, Gino D'Acampo
Posted by Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund on Sunday, January 17, 2016
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