I was out with my Pop the other day, and we were talking about the Powerball jackpot being so high. He said the first thing he'd do if he won was donate to St Jude's Children's Hospital. It kind of caught me off guard, and surprised me a bit. He talked passionately about all the good they do for sick children, while running on donations. My Pop doesn't really talk about causes, charities, or politics. It's usually fishing, cooking, or gardening. To hear him so passionate about a charity was surprising, but in a good way. His birthday is coming up at the end of the month, and I wasn't sure what to get for him. I think we might order him some address labels from St Jude's and make a small donation in his name.
It's sad to think about just how many people in the world are sick. Whether it be chronic illness, cancer, genetic issues, or even acute disease, illness affects so many people. To think of the vast size of St Jude's and the number of children they care for regularly, the number of families affected. To think of the number of hospitals in the world full of the ill. There's just so much suffering, so many people fighting battles. Hopefully one day medicine will advance enough that people can live full healthy lives.
I have been tinkering around with apps on my netbook and laptop. I found a lot of great apps for productivity and health. I've been playing with a white/ambien noise app for when we sleep and I actually stayed in bed a bit longer than I have been last night. I found a really cool app called Wunderlist and it is sehr wunderbar! It lets me make lists for bills, groceries, things to do around the house, errands, etc. I can let other people access the lists from their devices if I choose, and I can integrate it into my calendar app. The functionality and possible uses of this app are unreal. I love lists. Finding ways to live despite my diseases and flourish is one of my goals this year, and taking advantage of available technologies is a huge part of that. I found an awesome app for keeping self-written recipes as well. I love finding, creating, and tinkering with recipes. I tend to forget about them, how I made them, or where I put them and they never get made again. Hoping this will help with healthy eating and meal planning.
I want to try dehydrating some fruit in our oven for snacks. I think I'm going to start with bananas. They're cheap, easy to dehydrate, and versatile. We're really trying hard to eat healthier and buy less processed food. Chris has been tearing up our yogurt supply. I think he had like six last night! There's much worse things to over-indulge on that's for sure. Succesfully being healthy isn't about dieting constantly, and making yourself feel like you're missing out on something. It's about creating a healthy lifestyle that isn't wrecked by some indulgence. A lifestyle you don't feel like you need a break from! Small changes just in the way you snack, the things you drink, or the quality of ingredients you use can make a huge difference in your overall health!
We're finally getting some snow! Yay! I'm going to get a nice long shower tonight and then cozy up in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa. Thinking about trying something different with my hair. It's finally starting to not fall out! Yay! I have lots of short irritating pieces growing in everywhere now though. I really haven't taken advantage of the fact that I don't have to maintain a corporate image anymore. Thinking about doing some fun purple highlights or something of the sort. Chris said he'd do them for me, so it's not like it would cost a fortune either. I have an awesome husband.
Sometimes I think we get so busy and wrapped up in getting our lives to where we want them to be, that we forget to enjoy them for where they are. I have so many awesome plans and projects to make our lives easier, healthier, and more organized. At the end of the day though, my life is great in the here and now too!
Got a newsletter in the mail from the museum. They have some really awesome upcoming exhibits and classes. There's a class coming up right before my birthday on cake and cookie decorating being held by The WhoopiePie Company, LLC. I told Chris I'd really like to go to it. It's one thing I've always wanted to get better at when it comes to baking. It sounds like fun too! I've never been there, or heard of them up until now. After checking out their website, I really want to go! They have delicious looking whoopie pies, coffee, and regular food too! It's all really reasonably priced as well.
They have a lot of really awesome programs and classes for kids at the museum that I'm super jealous of, including an overnight jewelry making class with a pizza party. Pfeh. Adults like pizza and jewelry too! Chris says I should ask about helping teach. He's such a clever problem solver. They have a one week trip to Rome which sounds awesome. I would love to travel some day, especially to Germany. Only way that's happening right now though is if we hit the Powerball jackpot everyone's hammering on about. I told Chris we need to get passports. Neither of us have one. Get the formalities out of the way now, that way if we ever can we can just pick up and go!
Reading may have its disadvantages and demons, but there's a great deal of hidden diamonds in all the coal dust here. I don't know if everyone really realizes or appreciates what an awesome local museum we have. West Reading is also full of so many awesome small businesses and opportunities. We're around so much culture, art, and history. Plus, we're not a ridiculously far drive away from lots of other cool places. While our area may still struggle, we have the skeleton for something grand. We need to bring industry and jobs back to our area. Encourage and promote small businesses, and each other. There's so much talent and potential here.

I'm getting so many phone calls right now related to insurance authorizations and what not. Have I mentioned how annoying January is when you're chronically ill? Chris handed his insurance paperwork into work that I filled out for him. I updated my stuff with the marketplace. I even got my returned Christmas cards sent back out today. One of them was sent to the right address and still got sent back. My mind's blown on that one. Hoping it gets to it's proper home this time around. If not +Deanna Doolittle's just going to have to come get it herself.
For now though, it's time to use some spoons while I have them! My grandmother just gave me more pictures from my Mom from the wedding. I have so much scrapbooking to do, and my to do list just keeps getting longer and longer!
If only all of my great ideas didn't take so much effort to put into action. This place would be a palace by now! One day at a time though! I'd rather be busy than bored!
For now I leave you with this gem, that I've been eagerly awaiting the creation of since yesterday:
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