Things are really rough for me right now. My doctors have me tapering down off of steroids so they can see what symptoms all flare up exactly. They're hoping to figure out if I possibly have systemic vasculitis, and how to treat me well enough that I don't need steroids to function. While they're great for calming down a messed up immune system; steroids are really bad for you and come with a myriad of side effects such as thinning bones, muscle wasting, organ damage, and weight gain.

Shit's just going to keep getting worse.
They're going to be working on figuring out how to fix it, but in the meantime I'm stuck suffering. It would be so easy to go in the kitchen, pop 50mgs of Prednisone, and raid the fridge. I'd start to feel better in a matter of hours.
Instead, I'm stuck barely being able to stand myself. My stomach's wrecked from my infusion on Wednesday. Everything hurts, my joints are stiff, my rash is coming back, I'm itchy, restless, grumpy, tired, and I can't sleep. And that's the short list.

Self-care has to be my top priority right now or I'm going to go insane from how shitty I feel, but it's hard to do when you don't want to move. Thankfully Chris is great about getting me things, keeping me entertained, and being understanding.
I'm just really hoping that I don't struggle with this taper for weeks, and they aren't able to figure anything out and just try to dump me back on steroids again. I would be so upset.
These adorable bastards have been cuddling on my lap most of the day:
Tuxington has been super staticy lately. He's shocking everyone. I don't know why. It's weird.
My Pop's birthday is on Sunday. They're having a party for him. We weren't able to afford what we had wanted to do for him for his birthday this year with Chris being out of work and my meds being so expensive right now. So instead I'm doing a really cool picture collage of pics of him in a frame. I need to get it finished. Hopefully he'll like it.
Chris' Mom stopped in for a surprise visit today. She's back to work, and got a really cool promotion of sorts into their Starbucks department at Giant. She brought by some bacon cookies because they made her think of us. What a wonderful food item to remind people of you, hah! It was nice to see her! I looked like hell all considering, and was half asleep in pajamas, and bandages. Tuxington kept poking her and demanding pets.
I need to get down to the records department at the hospital and the social security office, but I just have no ambition. It's enough just to sit here and try to stand myself.
So here's to at least five more weeks of this. It's going to be a rough ride.
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