The insomnia isn't helping much either. When I do sleep I've been having such vivid nightmares that my screaming wakes Chris up, and he in turn wakes me up.

It's frustrating, but I'm doing the best I can to manage despite it. I've settled in to 10-15mgs of Prednisone a day again. That's been helping a great deal with symptom management, but I've been constantly starving in result.
I really need to go get lab work done sometime very soon. My JC virus testing is way past due. I haven't gotten my regular labs done for my rheumatologist in awhile, and my PCP has wanted some labs from me for awhile now.
Chris was off on Monday; it was also his pay day. I didn't really press to run errands though because I knew he's been feeling a bit run down since he's been sick. We didn't really have anything of urgent need either. We filled the gas tank, hit up the bank, grabbed some lunch and went home. Spent the day together playing video games and what not.
I've been super busy. Undecorating from Christmas, working on some little projects around the house, and a ton of fun stuff from the wedding is showing up. We got videos from my Uncle, pictures from the photographer, and a lot of memory keeping to do! The pictures are gorgeous. It's hard to decide what to put where.
Tuesday while Chris was at Serv Safe I took care of some of the errands. I called and paid some bills over the phone. Updated my insurance and household information with some drug companies and doctor's offices. Rescheduled my one Jefferson appointment so they're both on the same day in Philly now. Downloaded wedding pictures, uploaded wedding videos. I made SD cards for my Mom and I for digital photo frames, picture printing, and what not.
Printed out some coupons online, and then my grandmother took me out to Dollar Tree and Wally world. Did you guys know Dollar Tree takes coupons? Talk about badass. I got some stuff for free there. My grandmother was mystified by some of the stuff Dollar Tree had for sale, like Betty Crocker kitchen tools (I got a really cute grater/storage piece), and frozen foods. I try really hard to make the money Chris works for stretch even farther. It's the least I can do.
Chris got home from his Serv Safe testing in a really good mood. He won 3 out of 4 prizes offered during the review class, and felt he did really well on the test. I was proud of him, and it's always nice to see him proud of his accomplishments. He was starving so I made a quick dinner of pan seared smoked sausage, Star Wars mac & cheese, and buttered peas. When I was cleaning up after dinner, somehow this happened:
I seriously just fucking stabbed myself, in the toe. With a god damned fork. You can't make shit like this up. Like legit stabbed, gushing blood. For fucks sake.Posted by Trisha Amanda Archeval on Tuesday, January 5, 2016
It was so dumb and ridiculous. I don't think Chris believed me at first, when he turned and saw it he was like 'Oh wow, you better sit down while I get band-aids.' I was carrying dishes out to the kitchen, and a fork slid off one of the plates and impaled me in the toe. Who gets stabbed by a fork? So I've been sporting some very painful fork holes in my big toe, and some ninja turtle band-aids.
My life is crazy sometimes. You just can't make shit like this up.
Don't judge my crooked ass toe by the way. It got broken in the car accident that broke my hip, didn't get set because my hip took priority, and healed all crazy. The joint fused crooked.
Chris worked second shift today. My Mom stopped by in the morning to pick up her SD cards with the photos on them. She gave us a Powerball ticket. Apparently the jackpot is up to some ridiculous amount. While it would be nice, I highly doubt we'll win anything. The chances are obscurely minute. I went back to bed for a few hours and then got up with Chris. I got my Secret Santa gift today in the mail from one of my friends. You can read about that here if you'd like.
Chris went off to work and I worked on chores around the house. Cat litter, garbage, recycling, etc. My Pop ran me out to the bank because I needed to withdraw some cash to pay the rent, and get a sheet of blank checks printed out. I was finishing up his paperwork for insurance and direct deposit at work and I needed a voided check to send along with it. We rarely write checks so I don't bother ordering them anymore. I just get a sheet printed at the bank when we need some. They usually give them to me for free. We stopped at Wendy's because Chris forgot his name tag at home. It gave me the opportunity to say hi, and get a free Frosty. I can't complain about that.
When I got home I finished undecorating from Christmas. Took the tree down and the rest of our decorations that I still had up. Tuxington spent the time hiding in the boxes. Cats.
I swept the floor from the Christmas tree needles and straightened up the house a bit. My grandparents took me out to dinner at Arby's which we haven't done in awhile. My Pop Pop had a free combo coupon he was all excited to give me, and they kept saying it felt like 'old times'. I used to go to Arby's for dinner with them a lot when I was single and poor. I hate cooking for just myself. So, that was fun. When we got home I had two voicemails from Chris. Apparently it was a slow night at work and he actually took a break for a change and called me. I was bummed I missed him.
I did a few more things around the house when I got home from dinner and gave the critters some wet food. Now I'm relaxing watching some Chasing Life on Netflix while I wait for Chris to get home. It's a really good show.
Tomorrow begins another adventure. Not sure what project(s) I'm going to take on yet while he's at work. We shall see how motivated I feel. It's going to be methotrexate day after all. He has an icky schedule tomorrow. He works until 2am Friday and has to be back in at 10am Friday, yuck. It doesn't seem like I'll be doing much cooking the next few days. He'll likely be eating there.
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