The mix-up with my prescription today seems to have came from my name change. I didn't change my name with my cardiologist yet, but did with the pharmacy, so when they got the fax in my married name they were all 'That's not our patient!' and scrapped it rather than following up with the pharmacy. Meh.
They called it in though, just waiting on the pharmacy to fill it now.
This whole name changing thing is a pain in the butt. There's so many places that you have to change it at, and when you have a memory like mine after awhile you start to forget where you actually changed it. I still haven't even changed it with the social security office. I need to get that done.
Appointment with my rheumatologist today was rough. He was running behind as usual. Between that and how long my appointment took we were there over two hours.
He looked at my joints and we talked about my steroid taper. How bad things got right before Christmas after about a week of being down to 5mgs of Prednisone. He said he'll still support me if I insist on trying to get off, but he thinks I'm just making things worse for myself and causing flares. He gave me a different taper schedule to follow this time if I insist. Apparently he has a few patients that have to stay on some level of Prednisone. Bah. I don't know what I want to do. I survived how many years of my life without Prednisone, I can't think that I absolutely need it now? Is how crappy I feel a result of the taper, my diseases, or both? Will it stop getting worse and get better with time? So many unanswered questions that really don't have an answer.
He checked out my knuckle on my right hand that's been really bothering me with ultrasound. It was really swollen, had a lot of fluid sitting on the joint. He gave me a cortisone shot in a few places around the joint which hurt like hell because of how bad it hurt already. I whimpered a bit, which rarely happens. I'm not really a baby anymore when it comes to things like that. It really hurts now. He said no washing dishes for four days or so. I'm not entirely sure why, but I'm assuming so I don't get bacteria in the joint, plus resting it.
He wants to wait until I'm on the 25mg dose of Rasuvo a bit longer and then give me a blood test to see how much of it is staying in my system. That way he can tell if I'm metabolizing it too fast/my immune system is beating it to hell.
He did his usual physical. I was complaining last night that I thought I was getting sick, and sure enough he ordered antibiotics. I have a sinus infection and bronchitis.
I'm super worn out.
Had to go to the Emergency Room with Chris so he could get a note to return to work. He can't see a PCP right now because he doesn't have insurance yet through his new job. Turns out he tested positive for Campylobacter, so no work for him until the 31st. His antibiotics are going to cost $38 for two pills. Thankfully they gave him one at the ER or it would be more like $60.
We just can't seem to get ahead. We'll get there though, eventually.
Well, that's it for tonight folks. I'm going to go make a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup and hope it cures something, if only our hunger. Hopefully Chris can keep it down okay.

Here's hoping I don't spend the next week+ unable to eat.
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