I made breakfast for dinner last night. It was really good. Bacon, corned beef hash, fried potatoes, dippy eggs, and toast. Neither of us could eat it all. I saw a recipe floating around for tater tot waffles I want to give a try next time I do it.

No clue whatsoever what I want to make for dinner tonight. Today's pay day for Chris. This is the only place I've ever heard of giving paychecks on a Monday, but whatever.
We have some serious shopping to get done before Christmas. He's none to thrilled about it. He hates shopping; he hates it even more when he's worked all day. I'm expecting him to whine the entire time. It's a neccesary evil though. I'm going to try to just get a bit of it done tonight and do the rest tomorrow with whomever will take me out while he's at work.
Tania's almost got her blog of our wedding day ready to share. I'm so excited to see it and the pictures. She shared this gem with me last night:
How freaking adorable are we?
I love my husband.
Not entirely sure what I'm going to do today. Got a bit of stuff done around the house. Should make some phone calls to various places, but I'm not much in the mood for it. I have to meet Chris at five at his job to go deposit his check and commence shopping.
I want to attempt to paint my grandmother's nails for Christmas, but I doubt she'll let me. We shall see.
Tux was busy last night. He put nonsense in my shoes and slippers, moved their water bowl into the middle of the kitchen. Now he's cuddling with Daisy sleeping.
It's chilly in here this morning. I may crawl back under the covers for a bit until it warms up.
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