❤ Weight Loss Progress ❤


Tuesday, December 15, 2015


I've been seriously slacking in the blogging department. In my defense life has been crazy. Shortly after my last post Daisy was attacked by another dog. She had to get emergency stitches. She's healing up nicely at this point. Chris was also in the ER for kidney stones.

I've taken up some major redecorating and reorganizing projects in our house that have had me pretty occupied. While I should be documenting and sharing them with all of you, it's been pretty exhasting just getting it done.

My rheumatologist is switching me back from Rayos ($12k+ a month) to prednisone (a few bucks a month) at my request so I can once again try to cut my ties with steroids. It's not easy, and I've found that now my sugar is crashing again in the middle of the night. Nothing can ever be simple.

I'm sure some of you know how difficult a steroid taper can be. That on top of trying to be a productive human being is not easy. Then yet trying to find energy to blog about it. I find myself randomly falling asleep while doing things around the house lately that's just how tired I am. It's a problem.

My MS has been acting up. I've been getting some realllllly bad twitches, pain in my spine. I wake up Chris because some nights I scream in pain in my sleep.  Good times.

But serioiusly, we're doing well. I'm happy. He's happy. He's really enjoying his new job and being back to work. While I miss him while he's gone, I'm enjoying all of the work I'm getting done to pass the time. Our home is getting really nice and cozy.

Spent a few days doing some super awesome Christmas cards to send out this year. I love doing Christmas cards and I was so excited that we could actually afford it this year. With a bit of help from my Mom because I made them weigh too much and needed more stamps. I can't believe how fast Christmas is coming! We got our tree up a few days ago. Tux is fascinated by it, and has even put a few ornaments in my shoes. He has yet to climb it though surprisingly enough.

In a week or so we'll get to see some of the pictures Ama Photography took at our wedding which I'm super excited about. I haven't gotten any prints done of any of the pictures yet, and I have some serious scrapbooking to do when I do.

I'll try to get back to sharing our adventures in a bit more detail more regulalry once again!

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