Yesterday wound up being pretty quiet. My Pop visited for a bit and surprised me with a turkey sammich which was cool.
I got a bit of stuff done around the house, and then went to my grandparents and ate dinner with them and my Mom. They gave me a plate for Chris when he got home from work so that saved me some effort last night. Went out with him to fill the car with gas. One tank usually lasts us two weeks, but we ran extra out with looking at Christmas lights. We watched a bit of TV and crashed as he had to be back at work at seven.
Today was a super lazy day for me. I got a few things done around the house after he went to work, and sat down in the TV room. Forgot the fireplace was running, and fell asleep. Story of my life lately.
At least I get to spend time with Chris today, as he actually works the same shift tomorrow so we'll have more than eight hours before he has to be back at work.
I just made my last coffee. This is a problem. I must restock.
Filled my meds for the week. Down to 5mgs of Prednisone a day. My hands are killing me. This is the point where my body is really going to start to rebel.
My hair is super duper soft today. I've been using coconut oil about every two weeks in my hair and it's really made a difference. It seems to have finally stopped falling out as well. I'm not entirely sure what was causing it this time, but I'm glad it seems to be done. I've been using a dead sea salt scrub on my skin too that I really like. I usually use a cheaper sugar scrub, but the salt scrub works much better. Repainted my nails last night for Christmas as well. Red and green with glitter, nothing remarkably fancy. Somehow no matter how careful I am I always wind up smudging at least one of them. It makes me crazy.
I can't believe how close it is to Christmas already. It feels like we just got married last week. Chris gets paid tomorrow and then we have a ton to do in a very short amount of time. Budgeting is going to be really hard this week.
Trying to think of what productive things I can get done in the two hours left before he gets home, but all I really want to do is take another nap. It's terrible. I've bitched to my neurologist about it, and he's basically all 'If your body wants sleep, sleep!' Bah. No one needs this much sleep. I've debated trying Provigil or something similar, but they come with their own laundry list of side effects. There's something about the winter artificial heat that destroys me. Summer heat doesn't really rile my MS fatigue, it just makes me ill. Artificial heat though puts me to sleep worse than a Nyquil overdose. It's terrible this year, and really messing up my productivity. And now I'm out of coffee to add insult to injury. Might need to go to the store.
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