Got my Christmas presents from Chris in the mail yesterday. So far i've only opened Exploding Kittens, but it looks really fun. I can't wait to play it with Chris later.
Speaking of animals and Christmas, I never did mention what we got the critters.
Funds were tight, so we couldn't get the animals much. We got Daisy a big bag of peanut butter dog treats. She loves her some peanut butter. They almost look like Nutter Butters. Her cookie jar was getting low. Now it's full to the top again.
We got Tux one of those fishing pole type cat toys. He could chase whatever's on the end of that string all day. He gets so tired out eventually because he tries so hard. Eventually I just let it lay on the floor and he'll entertain himself with it. This one has a fish on the end, and for some reason he keeps putting it in their water dish. At first I thought he did it on accident, and I took it out and let it dry, but he keeps doing it. It's kind of gross. I'm not sure if he's trying to drown it or what.

The first night we had it he was playing with it most of the night, and then left it in his pants' pocket. Daisy of course fished it out and used it as a chew toy. It's a simlar texture as some of her toys. She broke about three links on it, but luckily it snaps apart so it wasn't too hard to fix. Chris was heart broken at first because he thought it was ruined already. They're really affordable, and there's lots of variations of tactile, stress, and fidget toys available online. They work wonders for anxiety, seriously. Check them out.
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