When Chris got home from work on Saturday we had Christmas part three! We headed over to his brother Clyde's house. Clyde was one of his groomsmen in the wedding. We took over their presents and hung out for awhile.
Clyde and Janelle gave us a pretty ornament for on our Christmas tree, and a handmade candy cane pin. Both were really pretty.
I even got to see two of my new nephews for a bit! They had lots to say about Star Wars. I really need to watch the movies so I have a clue what any one's talking about. I haven't seen a single one yet. Everyone really liked the candy I made too!
We hung out there for about two hours, and then headed home. Chris and I finally got the WiiU set up, and I finally got to work on writing these blog posts. We stayed up until about 2am. Him playing video games, and me watching as I blogged. I fell asleep a few times in between though.
Fatigue has been bad for me lately. Chris eventually drug me off to bed. He could play games with the Wii controller in the bedroom! It's pretty cool. I played with it a bit this morning, but I've mostly been focused on getting this caught up between everything else.
After we got up this morning Chris played on the WiiU for a bit while I blogged, and we put a pizza in the oven. We tried the pepperoni version of the Screamin' Sicilian pizzas. It was pretty good. A bit greasy though, but you will have this with pepperoni. After we ate we went to visit more of his family for Christmas. We stopped over at his Mom's with their gifts, but they weren't home.
We seem to be playing tag, we're never around when they come over either. So we left their gifts in between their doors so they'd have them reasonably close to Christmas. They gave us our new Keurig a few weeks ago as an early gift, and boy has it been used heavily lately.
We ended our Christmas gift giving quest at his brother Jason's house. We took their gifts over and hung out for awhile talking about all types of things. Tammy wasn't home unfortunately. Jason lives right near the farmer's/flea market in Leesport and does a ton of awesome upcycling. He's been making some really awesome lamps lately that are selling really well. Like these:
He's definitely talented and has an eye for reusing things.
After we hung out there for awhile we came home. Chris played some video games, I worked on blogging some more, and we did some things around the house. He hung out in the kitchen with me while I filled my meds, and I just realized I'm out of my pill for my dysautonomia, and I'm not quite sure how long I've been out. Because of the damage to my brain sometimes it has trouble controlling certain things our bodies do automatically, like telling my heart how fast to beat for instance. Without the med my heart will sometimes beat around a pulse of 160 at rest. Not fun. Need to go to the pharmacy first thing tomorrow.
I also need to get our car cleaned out sometime. I have a ton on my to do list for tomorrow while Chris is at work, including making some pollo guisado. (Puerto Rican stewed chicken) I have a rheumatology appointment at 11am that I never did get labs done for. I'm having a really hard time getting off the steroids because of severe pain, swelling, and stiffness cropping up. Which means my DMARDs aren't working properly. (Disease modifying anti-rhuematic drugs) The steroids just cover up the symptoms my other meds aren't controlling. There really isn't much new out though, and my only other options out there that he has for me that I haven't tried are too dangerous to be worth it in my opinion. So I'm not really sure what he's going to have to say.
Tuesday I have my Tysabri infusion and I can definitely tell it's time. Hopefully I don't get sick as a dog this time, but my hopes aren't high.

I also got him a gift set from Axe, some chocolate covered cherries, a stress relief toy (that he loves and I have to resist stealing, more on this later), and chocolate covered blueberries.
My Aunt also gave him some Mario themed gummies for Christmas which he's currently eating, and feeding me all of the Yoshi's. (Yoshi's my favorite) Is that love or what?
Enough of this for now though, I need to cook. The day has flown by. He works at seven tomorrow. There's some serious germs going around my family, and considering I just had Christmas with all of them I'm hoping I don't catch anything considering I'm about to nuke my immune system in a little over a day to top it off. Bah!
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