This time of year with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays it's easy to put yourself on the back burner. While for the average person a few days of over doing it generally isn't the end of the world, not every one's that lucky. Please keep an eye on those you love this time of year and make sure they're still taking proper care of themselves. Almost losing my Pop the other night was terrifying. Hell, I'm even guilty myself. Most days lately I finally take the time to eat a meal around ten at night.
Chris had to order my Christmas presents online. He got me Cards Against Humanity and Exploding Kittens. I've been wanting some more games for our game collection. I'm hoping his next paycheck we can afford to get the bookcase I've been eyeing up for our game room. We're in desperate need of the shelf space with the new game system and new games.

I can't wait until they come in the mail. We got the NSFW edition of Exploding Kittens. I've been eyeing up the other editions, and the expansion packs for Cards Against Humanity online. They also have some pretty cool card cases. I can't wait to play it with Chris when it comes. He also has easy ideas for presents for me for future holidays now. Need all the additions. I can't believe how many awesome expansion packs there are. Or that I don't have these games by now.
Christmas Part Two began on Friday, Christmas Day, over at my Aunt Allison and Uncle Keith's house. Like I mentioned in an earlier post my grandparents couldn't go because of my Pop not feeling well, and my Uncle Jeff was sick as well. So, it was just Chris, my Aunt Sharon, Kyle, Aunt Allison, Faith, Cheyenne, Uncle Keith, Allison's Dad, and I.
While everyone got settled in the girls opened up one of the games they got for Christmas called Googly Eyes. It was pretty trippy, and silly. Everyone was taking turns trying on the glasses and trying to high-five each other and walk through the room. I refused to try them out though, my vision is trippy enough from my brain damage. I don't need to add insult to injury.
They made a ton of food because they were expecting more people. So there was lots to eat. Shortly after we got over we all sat down for dinner.
They made ham, mashed potoates, carrots, green beans, corn, and crescent rolls. We were all stuffed.
Chris even found a new kind of wine that he likes. He claimed to hate wine, but he tries new things occasionally for me. Sometimes I surprise him with things he didn't know he likes. There's so many variations to flavor of wine. He doesn't like the strong vinegary flavored wines, but didn't realize that there's so many sweeter non-vinegary flavors. He surprisingly tried a peach wine (he hates peaches) on our honeymoon that he loved. So, he has been open to trying more kinds. I had a darker Concord grape wine that he didn't care for as much, but he really enjoyed the white East Coast Niagra wine from Paradocx Vineyard. The vineyard is about forty-five minutes from our house, and seems like a pretty cool trip. They also have a wine club I wouldn't mind checking into eventually. The name of the vineyard is a play on words, as it's owned by two different families, including two doctors. Pair of docs, hah.
After we ate the girls opened their presents from us which is always fun to watch.

There was unfortunately no presents quite as hilarious as this gem from last year though:
After present opening we ate desert. My Aunt had a huge variety of cookies and brownies. She also baked apple pie which got really good this time.
After desert everyone scattered a bit. Some of us to the living room, others downstairs to play air hockey.
We regrouped after awhile and ate some sammiches with the leftover ham and my Aunt put snacks out. The girls showed us the other presents they got for Christmas which has kind of become a tradition.

Kyle's fiance showed up a bit late because she was spending time with her family first, but we got to see her for a little while. Everyone hung out for a bit, and then everyone headed home around seven. Chris had to work early in the morning so we didn't want to stay too late. Once we got home we pretty much went to bed and crashed. We debated setting up the Wiiu but we were both too tired still. When Chris got up and went to work in the morning I got up and got to work as well. Found a home for almost all of our Christmas presents already, and got caught up on chores around the house. I made cheesesteaks for dinner.

I can't wait until they come in the mail. We got the NSFW edition of Exploding Kittens. I've been eyeing up the other editions, and the expansion packs for Cards Against Humanity online. They also have some pretty cool card cases. I can't wait to play it with Chris when it comes. He also has easy ideas for presents for me for future holidays now. Need all the additions. I can't believe how many awesome expansion packs there are. Or that I don't have these games by now.
Christmas Part Two began on Friday, Christmas Day, over at my Aunt Allison and Uncle Keith's house. Like I mentioned in an earlier post my grandparents couldn't go because of my Pop not feeling well, and my Uncle Jeff was sick as well. So, it was just Chris, my Aunt Sharon, Kyle, Aunt Allison, Faith, Cheyenne, Uncle Keith, Allison's Dad, and I.
While everyone got settled in the girls opened up one of the games they got for Christmas called Googly Eyes. It was pretty trippy, and silly. Everyone was taking turns trying on the glasses and trying to high-five each other and walk through the room. I refused to try them out though, my vision is trippy enough from my brain damage. I don't need to add insult to injury.
They made a ton of food because they were expecting more people. So there was lots to eat. Shortly after we got over we all sat down for dinner.
They made ham, mashed potoates, carrots, green beans, corn, and crescent rolls. We were all stuffed.

After we ate the girls opened their presents from us which is always fun to watch.
There was unfortunately no presents quite as hilarious as this gem from last year though:
After present opening we ate desert. My Aunt had a huge variety of cookies and brownies. She also baked apple pie which got really good this time.
After desert everyone scattered a bit. Some of us to the living room, others downstairs to play air hockey.
We regrouped after awhile and ate some sammiches with the leftover ham and my Aunt put snacks out. The girls showed us the other presents they got for Christmas which has kind of become a tradition.
When Chris got home from work Christmas Part Three began...
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