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Sunday, January 6, 2013


They say it's wrong to mourn/love an item. It's just an item, and it can be replaced. The loss of my G5 (Bob) breaks my heart though. I try not to think about it to often, it makes me to angry.

People will say hey, it's just a car. At least you're alive! And yes, it indeed was just a car. A shitty car at that. It was a lemon, and there was constantly something wrong with it. The electrical system was screwed. The gas tank lit on fire one time while I was driving it. I refused to give it up though.

Right before the car accident I spent a ridiculous amount of money in the shop fixing some of the things goofy with it. It needed a new shifter, struts, tires, rotors, brakes. Way to much money down the tube. That's not even why I'm upset though.

To me, losing that car was like someone paper shredding a three quarters finished Mona Lisa. If you've never modified a car, you probably don't understand. I'm sure though there's something in your life that you've put a ton of time and money into to make it just how you want it that you can relate. My car wasn't just a car, it was my art.

When I first got Bob, he looked like this:

Far to often, he looked like this:

But with tons of work, money, and help he slowly transformed

He even got to hang out with an Aston Martin.

He helped raise money for charity.

And bring home family members.

He still gave me a headache from time to time.

But he explored the world with me, and battled NY traffic.

He was more than a car. He was my art, and reliable travel partner. An extension of my personality.

Sadly, he was a work of art I never got to finish.

It hurts to have all that ripped away and thrown into a junk yard.

But, that is life I suppose. One day when I get back on my feet I'll get another car and start over. I'm just sad I couldn't finish the first time.

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