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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Craigslist Joe

My sleep pattern is absolutely screwed. I woke up 99999999 times tonight, and when I finally fell asleep Daisy woke me up to go potty. When she has to go potty it's never a quick thing. I've never seen a dog take so long to find a spot.

She's curled back up on top of my teddy bear fast asleep, and I'm officially up and cold. Some creepy guy stopped at the stop sign for like four minutes, I'm pretty sure he was staring at me in my robe. Ew.

I'm going to resort to Craigslist and Netflix for entertainment most likely since there isn't a whole hell of a lot else to do at 5am.

While on the topic of both Netflix and Craigslist; I watched a documentary the other night on Netflix called Craigslist Joe. It's about this guy that lives soley off of Craigslist ads for a month, and travels across the country and back. It's pretty neat. If you're interested you can watch the trailer here : http://www.craigslistjoe.com/

If you watch it, let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. looks interesting.. will watch for that on amazon prime.. Keep going with movie lists for me because cold weather is coming...
