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Sunday, October 18, 2015

So Much for Early!

After our chestnut experiment we wandered out to get some things done.

Our first stop was CVS to pick up some more prescriptions and Halloween candy. We keep buying Halloween candy with coupons for trick-or-treaters, and it keeps disappearing before Halloween. It's a problem.  It's mainly my grandmother and Chris dunking into it. I'm generally not a big candy person, but I do seem to have a weakness for Kit Kats as of late.

CVS has these giant blended bags of miniature candies for twenty bucks. I just so happened to have five dollars in extra bucks and a three dollar coupon, so I got them for roughly twelve, and it totally filled my candy bowl at home. My grandmother already found her way into it. 

Later on when we got home, I discovered CVS gave me sixty of my blood thinner shots. My insurance will only pay for two weeks worth of shots at a time which is twenty-eight. Just those alone cost almost nine-hundred dollars. They're by no means one of my most expensive medications, but still, it's pricey. The pharmacy is already closed, and I highly doubt they can take the injections back from me without having to destroy them. I like my pharmacy staff and would rather not see them get in trouble for being derpy. We all have a moment. I'm hoping perhaps they can just 'refill' them in two weeks and just not give me any. I'll have have to call them tomorrow.

While we were out we went to Target to spend the gift card Ivy gave us for the bridal shower. The cold weather this morning and my beta blocker to calm my heart down from my dysautonomia made me decide that I needed slippers. My feeties were cold. I was a bit disappointed to discover that Target had no obnoxiously fuzzy character themed slippers for adults. They did have very well made comfy slippers though. Chris and I each got a pair. I'm rather satisfied with mine. They're furry inside and soft.

We stopped at the grocery store on the way home to pick up some odds and ends and sour cream to go with the potato skins I made for dinner. On my list was chips and pretzels. I wanted tortilla chips for dipping, and regular chips for nomming. They had lots of BOGO sales and somehow before I knew it I had six bags of chips in our cart. Chris was like uhm, babe, we need to make decisions on which, not keep adding more because they're all on sale. Haha, oops.

Grabbed some frozen burritos because I was in the mood for something cheap and terribly unhealthy to go with our potato skins. Somehow the conversation shifted to orzo and how much I like it. Chris had never had it nor heard of it, so I showed it to him. They had a container of it in the rice section of the store for almost ten dollars for not very much orzo. I was a bit perplexed why they kept it there as orzo is a pasta. I couldn't see blowing that much on it, but Chris came up with the genius idea of looking in the pasta section of the store.

Voila, we found some for $1! I was pretty excited. It really doesn't take much to make me happy. Now I have to come up with an awesome meal to make with it sometime this week. I also enjoy barley, but I think that is only really used in soups?

We came home, put away our plunder, ate, and now Chris is playing Madden while I blog. Tomorrow morning is our engagement photo shoot with Ama Photography. I'm really excited for it, but I am so not a morning person. I have to get my hair styled at 8am, and we have to be at the golf course by 10am. Found the shoes I want to wear and pieced together my outfit. Debating what ungodly time I'm going to have to wake up by in order to do my makeup and what not before we leave for the salon. I won't have enough time to do it afterwards and get there by ten.

Trying to go over all the things I need to not forget for tomorrow. My memory is a bitch, especially when I don't have a lot of time for error.

We probably should go to bed early considering what time we have to get up. But, considering the fact that I just looked at the clock and realized it's eleven already early kind of went out the window.

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